Signed Into Law

AB 881

Although recent legislation has significantly streamlined the ADU permitting process, in some cases, ambiguities in state law slowed or otherwise hindered the construction of ADUs. AB 881 updates and clarifies the state’s ADU rules to make them easier to build.…

AB 68 (2019)

Enacted in 2019, AB 68 legalized the widespread construction of “Granny Flats,” or Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), as easy-to-build affordable housing. ADUs are small, independent homes that are built alongside (or sometimes, within) an existing single- or multi-family home. In…

AB 2923

AB 2923 makes it legal for the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) to build multi-family, mixed-income housing on its parking lots and other land it owns throughout the Bay Area. The bill is expected to produce over 20,000 new…

SB 167

The Housing Accountability Act (HAA), first passed in 1982, prohibits a city from denying or reducing the size of housing developments that are compliant with its zoning code and other objective standards. SB 167 (2017), strengthens the HAA to ensure…

AB 1397

AB 1397, passed in 2017, holds cities accountable to their regional housing needs assessment goals by tightening the standards for what qualifies as an “adequate site” under housing element law. Every eight years, local governments are required to update their…