Signed Into Law

AB 2011

AB 2011 allows for ministerial, by-right approval for affordable housing on commercially-zoned lands, and also allows such approvals for mixed-income housing along commercial corridors, as long as the projects meet specified affordability, labor, and environmental criteria. The bill also requires…

SB 886

On average, 5% of UC students and 11% of CSU students experienced homelessness during their past year at school. In response to this crisis, in 2021 the legislature passed a historic investment of $2 billion in the UC and CSU systems to expand…

SB 9

California has a severe shortage of middle-income housing or small (fewer than 10 homes) multi-family housing developments near jobs and transit; the lack of such housing is driving the displacement and severe rent burden of Californians across the state. The…

SB 478

SB 478 will stop the misuse of floor area ratio and minimum lot size requirements that prevent the construction of multifamily buildings in areas already zoned to allow them. Floor area ratio restrictions control how large a building can be, based…

SB 10

SB 10 makes it easier for cities to zone for smaller, lower-cost housing developments of up to 10 units to address California’s housing crisis. Current laws can prevent local governments from zoning for smaller, less expensive housing. Even small projects…

AB 602

AB 602 focuses on reforming the way cities collect impact fees for new housing such that smaller, more affordable units are not unfairly penalized with higher costs. Currently, in many California cities, impact fees can add over $100,000 to the…

AB 725

One strategy to lower the cost of housing is to facilitate the construction of “missing-middle” housing that legalizes more homes in existing neighborhoods without significant upzoning, or requirements for increased building heights. AB 725 makes it easier for cities to…

AB 3182

The overwhelming majority of new housing construction in California is governed by a Homeowner’s Association (HOA). Due to a loophole in state law, these HOAs can prohibit homeowners from renting their properties, thereby limiting the pool of rentals and driving…

AB 1851

This bill would allow faith-based organizations like churches and other places of worship to reduce or eliminate parking requirements when they seek to build affordable housing on land they own or lease. AB 1851 would also allow faith-based organizations to…

SB 330

SB 330 prohibits local jurisdictions from enacting new laws that would have the effect of reducing the legal limit on new housing within their borders, or delay new housing via administrative or other regulatory barriers. Through its expiration in 2030,…