Signed Into Law

AB 3057

AB 3057 is a technical fix to existing law that will grant local Junior ADU ordinances the same exemption to environmental review that is already granted to standard ADU ordinances. Thanks to state efforts to increase housing production and address…

AB 1633 — Hold Cities Accountable

AB 1633 will end the inappropriate abuse of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by jurisdictions that attempt to block new housing developments that have already been found in compliance with local and state land use and environmental regulations. The…

AB 976 – Extend Incentives for Accessory Dwelling Units

AB 976 will permanently extend the ability of property owners to build affordable, rental accessory dwelling units (ADUs), also known as “granny flats,” by extending the rental unit provisions of 2020’s AB 881, which expire in 2025. The provisions allow…

SB 423 — Extend SB 35

SB 423 extends the provisions of SB 35, and expands them to encourage mixed-income housing developments. SB 35, which is scheduled to sunset in 2026, was signed into law in 2017 and has produced thousands of new subsidized affordable homes…

SB 4 – Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act

SB 4, the Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act, provides a streamlined process for religious organizations and nonprofit colleges to develop affordable housing on their property. Many of California’s faith-based organizations and non-profit colleges are located on lands where multifamily…

AB 835 – Build A Wider Variety of Homes

AB 835 will help expand the production of more affordable, family-sized apartments and flats by making it legal to build these types of homes on smaller and unusually-sized properties in our cities. By directing the State Fire Marshal to research…

SB 684 — Building Homeownership

Click here to read a statement by bill co-sponsors regarding last-minute changes to SB 684 prior to its passage.   SB 684 streamlines approvals for “starter” homes in infill developments of 10 homes or less in multi-family zones. Most Californians share…

AB 2873

In order to meet the goal of building 3.5 million homes to end California’s housing shortage, we need substantial growth in the building and construction trades. Ending the housing shortage and affordability crisis will require huge growth in the numbers…

AB 2221

Recent laws that make it easier to build Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs (aka granny flats or casitas), have led to a statewide boom in the construction of this popular, affordable type of housing.  California YIMBY is proud to have sponsored two…

AB 2097

Housing for people not cars AB 2097 will reduce the cost of housing while slashing the pollution that causes climate change by eliminating expensive parking mandates for homes and commercial buildings near transit, or in neighborhoods with low rates of…