Sponsored Legislation

SB 1123

Status: Pending in Committee

SB 1123 (Caballero) updates SB 684 (2023) to make it legal to build up to 10 homes on vacant lots in single-family zones near jobs, schools, transit, and other amenities, by streamlining the approval process for these projects. 

Passed in 2023, SB 684 (Caballero) streamlines approvals for “starter” homes in infill developments of 10 homes or less in multi-family zones. It also amends the Subdivision Map Act to make it faster and easier to split a single parcel into multiple, smaller properties, each with their own home. SB 1123 expands SB 684 to allow the bill to be used on vacant lots in single family zones, creating more affordable homeownership opportunities in neighborhoods that have traditionally excluded lower- and middle-income families and communities of color.

The bill further clarifies existing provisions in SB 684 to ensure that a variety of different lower-cost homeownership types and builders are eligible to use the bill. This includes tenancies in common (a popular form of homeownership) and community land trusts.

Updates: SB 1123 was passed out of the Senate Housing Committee by a 5-0 vote on April 17, 2024. It passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 16, 2024. It passed the Senate Floor on 5/21/2024 with a 31-5 vote. It passed the Assembly Housing Committee on 6/12/2024 and the Assembly Local Government Committee on 6/26/24. It now awaits further action in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Authors: Caballero (D, SD 14)

Co-Sponsors: California YIMBY
