The United States largely abandoned building new public (i.e., publicly-owned and operated) housing in the 1970s, replacing it with the Housing Choice Voucher program to provide low-income families with federally-funded rent subsidies for use in privately-owned buildings. Colloquially known as…
The Price of Inclusion: Evidence from Housing Developer Behavior
Published: 2020 | Evan Soltas Abstract In many U.S. cities, incentives and regulations lead developers to build mixed-income housing. How cost-effective are these policies? I study take-up of a tax incentive in New York City using a model in which…
From Copenhagen to Tokyo
Published: 2020 | Sarah Karlinsky, Paul Peninger, Cristian Bevington | SPUR Abstract The selected case studies demonstrate a breadth of approaches that address both supply and demand challenges for housing in its entirety, as well as affordable housing more specifically.…
Affordable Housing Primer
Published: 2020 | Shane Philips | UCLA Lewis Center Abstract In this primer we will discuss five (5) affordable housing categories, including details about who builds them, how they’re built, who pays, and how rents are set and can change…
The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes
Published: 2020 | Andrew Aurand, Dan Emmanuel, Diane Yentel | National Low Income Housing Coalition Abstract A large-scale, sustained commitment to affordable housing for people with the lowest incomes, through such programs as the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Housing…
The Costs of Affordable Housing Production: Insights from California’s 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
Published: 2020 | Carolina Reid | Terner Center Abstract The research shows that hard construction costs—specifically the costs of material and labor—are the primary driver of rising development costs.
Housing & Social Equity Series: Discussion with Richard Rothstein, Author of The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
Housing and Social Equity Series Episode 1 | Webinar This event is the first in our Housing & Social Equity Series — join us to explore and understand the adverse impacts of the housing crisis across California, particularly in communities…
Los Angeles County Annual Affordable Housing Outcomes Report
Published: 2019 | California Housing Partnership
An Introduction to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
Published: 2019 | Mark P. Keightley | Congressional Research Service Abstract The low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) program is one of the federal government’s primary policy tools for encouraging the development and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing.
Locked Out: Reversing Federal Housing Failures and Unlocking Opportunity
Published: 2019 | Office of Congressman Earl Blumenaur