
Parcel Tax in California: Findings from New Data Sources

Published: 2020 | Soomi Lee | CityScape Abstract This article examines parcel taxes in California counties, cities, and special districts. Unique to California, the parcel tax is commonly known as a lump-sum tax applied to parcels of real property to…

Warding Off Development: Local Control, Housing Supply, and NIMBYs

Published: 2020 | Evan Mast | The Center for Growth and Opportunity Abstract Local control of land-use regulation creates a not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) problem that can suppress housing construction, contributing to rising prices and potentially slowing economic growth. I study how…

From Copenhagen to Tokyo

Published: 2020 | Sarah Karlinsky, Paul Peninger, Cristian Bevington | SPUR Abstract The selected case studies demonstrate a breadth of approaches that address both supply and demand challenges for housing in its entirety, as well as affordable housing more specifically.…

The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes

Published: 2020 | Andrew Aurand, Dan Emmanuel, Diane Yentel | National Low Income Housing Coalition Abstract A large-scale, sustained commitment to affordable housing for people with the lowest incomes, through such programs as the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Housing…