
New rail transit stations and the out-migration of low-income residents

Published: 2019 | Elizabeth Delmelle, Isabelle Nilsson | Urban Studies Abstract This article tests the hypothesis that low-income residents disproportionately move out of neighbourhoods in close proximity to new rail transit stations. This transit-induced gentrification scenario posits that the development…

Does Luxury Housing Construction Increase Nearby Rents?

Published: 2019 | Evan Mast | Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Abstract A major obstacle to new housing construction in gentrifying neighborhoods is the fear that new units will induce additional housing demand, increasing local rents and fueling further gentrification.…

Developing a New Methodology for Analyzing Potential Displacement

Published: 2017 | Karen Chapple, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Paul Waddell, Daniel Chatman, Paul Ong | The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Abstract In 2008, California passed Senate Bill 375, requiring metropolitan planning organizations to develop Sustainable Communities Strategies as…

The New Exclusionary Zoning

Published: 2014 | John Mangin | Stanford Law and Policy Review Abstract If low-income families can’t afford the suburbs and the cities, where should they go? For the first time in American history, it makes sense to talk about whole…