Legislation Priority

Budget Asks

Infill Budget Ask One of the main barriers identified by local governments to building more homes near jobs, schools, and transit, is a lack of adequate infrastructure to support additional infill development. We are asking the state to invest $5…

AB 2053

This bill would establish the California Housing Authority, an independent state body, and authorize this authority to construct housing and lease it to a mix of household income ranges through an ownership and rental model. The Authority would adjust the…

AB 2011

AB 2011 allows for ministerial, by-right approval for affordable housing on commercially-zoned lands, and also allows such approvals for mixed-income housing along commercial corridors, as long as the projects meet specified affordability, labor, and environmental criteria. The bill also requires…

SB 827

Senate Bill 827 would have established an incentive for building housing near high-quality transit by exempting these developments from certain restrictive and low-density zoning standards. Zoning in places like San Francisco have radically restricted the natural growth of cities and…

AB 1397

AB 1397, passed in 2017, holds cities accountable to their regional housing needs assessment goals by tightening the standards for what qualifies as an “adequate site” under housing element law. Every eight years, local governments are required to update their…