The California YIMBY Research Bounty Program
The YIMBY movement is lucky to have a base that is both technically sophisticated and eager to chip in. To fully leverage this, California YIMBY is launching a research bounty program to make our research and data needs clear, reward those who volunteer to help fill these needs, and generally increase our research output without all of the typical overhead and bureaucracy.
Here’s everything you need to know:
- Research bounty hunters agree to share any code or data associated with the bounty and grant California YIMBY full use and publication rights. On a case-by-case basis, research bounty hunters may be invited to join as an author on derivative products or speak with policymakers. Research bounty hunters will receive full credit for their work unless they request otherwise.
- Research bounty hunters are strongly encouraged to check in and collaborate with the Research Director before starting on the project. Bounty prompts cover most of the necessary details, but a check-in meeting will hopefully avoid bad bounties being submitted.
- Once a research bounty is submitted, the Research Director will review it, potentially in collaboration with any California YIMBY colleagues who suggested the bounty. The Research Director will also provide feedback as needed and pay out the bounty once it meets the standards outlined in the posting and an invoice is submitted.
- At this stage, the Research Director will either publish the product, share it with relevant coalition partners, or coordinate follow-up or derivative research, depending on the nature of the bounty and the needs of the organization.
Round 1 of Research Bounties
Interesting in starting on a listed research bounty? Proposing a new research bounty idea? Submitting a completed research bounty? Click here to start the conversation.