Published: 2019 | Emily Hamilton | Mercatus Institute Abstract Inclusionary zoning is popular among policymakers for two reasons. First, it appears “free.” It produces affordable housing units without an outlay of tax dollars. Second, it allows policymakers to appear as…
Do New Housing Units in Your Backyard Raise YourRents?
Published: 2019 | Xiaodi Li | NYU Furman Center Abstract There is a growing debate about whether new housing units increase rents for immediately surrounding apartments. Some argue new market-rate development produces a supply effect, which should alleviate the demand…
Does Luxury Housing Construction Increase Nearby Rents?
Published: 2019 | Evan Mast | Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Abstract A major obstacle to new housing construction in gentrifying neighborhoods is the fear that new units will induce additional housing demand, increasing local rents and fueling further gentrification.…
Racial Rent Differences in U.S. Housing Markets
Published: 2018 | Dirk W. Early, Paul E. Carrillo, Edgar O. Olsen Abstract This paper exploits an unusually rich data set to estimate racial differences in the rents paid for identical housing in the same neighborhood in U.S. housing markets…
Is inclusionary zoning creating less affordable housing?
Published: 2018 | Emily Hamilton | Strong Towns
Solving the Housing Crisis Is Key to Inclusive Prosperity in the Bay Area
Published: 2018 | Sarah Treuhaft with Jessica Pizarek, Ángel Ross, and Justin Scoggins | Policylink Abstract The twin forces of a housing shortage—particularly affordable housing—and uneven wage growth have converged to create a regional crisis. Between 2011 and 2015, the…
The Economic Implications of Housing Supply
Published: 2018 | Edward Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko | The Journal of Economic Prespectives Abstract In this essay, we review the basic economics of housing supply and the functioning of US housing markets to better understand the distribution of home prices,…
Supply Skepticism: Housing Supply and Affordability
Published: 2018 | Vicki Been, Ingrid Gould Ellen, Katherine O’Regan | NYU Furman Center, NYU Wagner School, and NYU School of Law Abstract Growing numbers of affordable housing advocates and community members are questioning the premise that increasing the supply…
People are simply unable to pay the rent
Published: 2018 | UCLA Luskin Center Abstract Drawing on our history, this paper proposes a range of options to ameliorate the economic vulnerability and anxiety of a growing number of our city’s rent-burdened residents. These options include extending the city’s…
Growth Amid Dysfunction: An Analysis of Trends in Housing, Migration, and Employment
Published: 2018 | F. Noel Perry, Colleen Kredell, Marcia E. Perry, Stephanie Leonard Abstract Wages have increased and employment opportunities – especially in the Bay Area’s booming tech sector – are attracting migrants from other states and countries. But a…