California YIMBY Statement Supporting Governor Newsom Against Recall

“YIMBYs will fight this assault on democracy”
Today California YIMBY CEO Brian Hanlon released the following statement regarding efforts by the Republican Party to recall democratically-elected Governor Gavin Newsom:
“The effort to recall Governor Newsom constitutes an assault on our democratic system and the wishes of a majority of California’s voters,” Hanlon said. “The supporters of this recall are cynically manipulating California’s rules to try to install a right-wing Governor who could never win a general election in California.
“All Californians should unite to support the principle of majority rule and vote NO on the recall,” Hanlon said. “California YIMBY and our allies in the YIMBY movement will fight this anti-democratic recall by hosting phone banks, organizing our supporters to return their ballots, mobilizing on social media, and encouraging all Californians to vote NO on the recall.
“Governor Newsom has led successful efforts to ensure our housing laws are properly enforced, and his Projects Roomkey and Homekey have rapidly expanded housing for people experiencing homelessness. The Governor’s actions to uphold an eviction moratorium, build homeless housing, and provide financial relief for renters has undoubtedly saved many lives during this pandemic.”
“California YIMBY remains committed to working with the Governor on housing reform, and on ensuring that everyone in California has a secure, stable, and affordable place to call home. I am grateful to the Governor and his team for their hard work on behalf of all Californians, and I call on the YIMBY movement to help us turn back this assault on democracy and ensure that the will of the people is respected.”