
My Transit Density Bill (SB 827): Answering Common Questions and Debunking Misinformation

January 16, 2018

This piece attempts to answer common questions about SB 827 and debunk misinformation.

California is in a deep housing crisis — threatening our state’s environment, economy, diversity, and quality of life — and needs an enormous amount of additional housing at all income levels. Mid-rise housing (i.e., not single-family homes and not high rises) near public transportation is an equitable, sustainable, and promising source for new housing. SB 827 promotes this kind of housing by prohibiting density restrictions (for example, local ordinances mandating only single-family homes) within a half mile of a major transit station or a quarter mile of a bus stop on a frequent bus line.

The only way we will make housing more affordable and significantly reduce displacement, meet our climate and air quality goals and continue to grow California’s economy is to build a lot more housing and to do so in urbanized areas accessible to public transportation.