
The Homevoter Hypothesis: A New Generation Gap?

We know that older people vote more than younger people and that homeowners vote more than renters; but are older homeowners, as a class, overrepresented in local elections? Katherine Levine Einstein, Maxwell Palmer, Ellis Hamilton, and Ethan Singer analyzed the…

Consumer-Lending Discrimination in the FinTech Era

Published: 2019 | Robert Bartlett, Adair Morse, Richard Stanton, Nancy Wallace Abstract Under U.S. fair-lending law, lenders can discriminate against minorities only for creditworthiness. Using an identification under this rule, afforded by the GSEs’ pricing of mortgage credit risk, we…

Racial Rent Differences in U.S. Housing Markets

Published: 2018 | Dirk W. Early, Paul E. Carrillo, Edgar O. Olsen Abstract This paper exploits an unusually rich data set to estimate racial differences in the rents paid for identical housing in the same neighborhood in U.S. housing markets…

The Rare Occurrence of Mortgages Over $500,000

Published: 2017 | NLIHC Abstract The report reveals that only 5% of the mortgages obtained between 2013 to 2015 in the U.S. were larger than $500,000 and that lowering the mortgage interest deduction (MID) cap to $500,000 would have no…

Whiteness as Property

Published: 2006 | Cheryl I. Harris | UCLA School of Law Research Paper Abstract Issues regarding race and racial identity as well as questions pertaining to property rights and ownership have been prominent in much public discourse in the United…